1. On March 2nd a new student started shadowing Dr. Harrison. Her name is Kristen, she attends med school in Colorado. If you come in within the next month you'll probably meet her! She's been great so far!
2. Liz spends 4 days a week here at the clinic working with us but she also spends some nights and weekends working the ER in Gunnison and also working for a home health company! Whew... she's quite the worker bee!
3. One summer day in 2010 Dr. Harrison delivered 5, that's right FIVE, babies in a 24 hour period!
4. Ally and Carrie are addicted to Jersey Shore.... "T-SHIRT TIME!!!"
5. Rachel is getting married April 30th!
6. Dr. Harrison isn't just getting fat, she's actually expecting another baby GIRL!!! :)
7. We all live in our own little bubbles.... rarely will you ever see us in a warm embrace with one another.
8. If you spend enough time around us, you may or may not develop our "breathing disorder."
9. Ally and Rachel get quite the kick out of themselves... come around 3 PM, you'll catch them at the peak of their act!
10. Making babies cry is not the highlight of our job.
11. Keeping miserable, pregnant girls pregnant is not a highlight either... BUT- we love the outcome when we see those healthy, perfectly baked babies!
12. This is really hard... I guess we're not really that interesting.
13. This place we call our "office" is more like our HOME!
14. We have our ups and downs, but for the most part we get along real well! Even with all of the estrogen in the mix. We actually do choose to spend some of our out of the office time with our fellow office workers.