Monday, November 29, 2010


Since Halloween we have been SO busy that it has been almost a month since we have posted anything... We need to spice this space up a bit. Any questions, recommendations, suggestions on what our next post should be about???


Monday, November 8, 2010


This cute little knight was the winner of the Halloween contest! Thanks to everyone who participated!
He won 2 movie tickets!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Costume Contest

Contestant #1

Contestant #2

Contestant #3
Contestant #4
Contestant #5
Contestant #6
Contestant #7

Contestant #8

Contestant #9

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ally & Rachel, The Dynamic Duo

Ally and Rachel have spent the last few years working for Dr. Harrison. They've taken on multiple "job titles" and the range of duties is endless!
Both have worked as:
Medical Assistants (This is their current job title)
Personal Assistants
Book Keepers
Cat-Catchers (Dr. H's cat is an escape artist, and that precious pet is NOT to be let outside!)
______________ (You fill in the blank, they've probably done it)

The list could go on and on! They'd like to think that they have been assigned these duties because they are irreplaceable... maybe she just can't quite shake them?  

Ally and Rachel both grew up in Springville, but their paths didn't cross until Dr. H was in the picture. Ally is married and has one little man. They've moved to Oregon and back, we're hoping this time they'll stay!
Rachel has not taken the plunge to tie the knot yet, she figures the rest of us have enough kids to go around! She has 6 nieces and nephews that she loves to boast about, but she says that they are the perfect dose of birth control.

They'd both like to claim vegetarianism, but you might catch them at Wendy's indulging on a Spicy Chicken!

This looks just like Dr. H's cat! Maybe if he wasn't always trying to escape we could get some photos of him!

P.S. Just for the record, (This is Rachel speaking) I know I can say that both Ally and I appreciate Dr. Harrison in more ways than one! She is always looking out for us, and although we all like to have a great time while we're at work, she's also a great doctor/friend/employer to both of us!

Halloween Contest Extended

We realized that there weren't very many people who had photos of their children before Halloween! We're going to extend the contest until November 8th so keep watching for new contestants!